Some Thoughts on Abusive Churches, part 2


Hello again!

I am including another post to Facebook that I wrote a while back concerning abusive churches and warnings to those that are in them.  I can only say that if you are a member of a church and you feel that something is wrong there- there probably is.  Proceed with caution.  If it turns out to be an abusive church situation- get out at all costs.  Protect yourself and your family by getting out as soon as possible.  Find a Scriptural church where you can be loved, discipled, and edified.  I’m praying for you if you are in this situation!

How To Know When It’s Time To Get Out Of Dodge (or How To Know When It’s Time To Get In Your Dodge And Get Out)
It’s me again. Bro. Beall, the “One Man’s Search For Truth” guy.
Here I am, stirred up again by the Holy Spirit to write what I have seen (Revelation 1:19). Since I last wrote in 2013, I have seen and experienced so many things as a Christian and as a pastor of a Baptist church. I’ve seen selfless acts done in the name of Jesus and I’ve seen self-centered acts that made me cringe and even become embarrassed. Sometimes I have even seen these things in others! (Did you catch that? The preceding sentence was about me!)
The Christian journey is an amazing thing, one with no shortages of ups and downs, hills and valleys, victories and losses. And it is all to help us to grow to maturity and bear fruit. It doesn’t come quickly- it takes time and commitment and a willingness to stick with it and wait on the LORD. It is not for wimps!!!
I have a real heart and a real concern for people who are believers and want to do the right thing but do not understand what the right thing is. I have been in churches that have moved away from systematic teaching of the Scriptures to build up and disciple believers, to topical preaching that is very rule oriented to keep the congregation performing desired behaviors. I realize that many folks will be perfectly happy with the second scenario and believe that they are where the LORD wants them to be. Friend, if this is you- please do not read the rest of this note. It’s not my intention to cause problems for you. However, if you are in a church and something seems to be wrong but you can’t put your finger on it, or don’t know what to do, or are afraid to do anything, I humbly ask you to read on. I know how you feel because I have been there.
The Scripture definitely tells us to stay away from those who teach contrary to what God has said in His word:
Romans 16:17-18 (NKJV) Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. (bold letters added)
I hurt for those that are in toxic churches and don’t know what to do. The fear and pressure that they are kept under is unreal. I know how these churches operate because I have been in them. In order for people to be able to leave a toxic church environment, they first need to know that the things that are going on in the church that are perceived as wrong to them probably are indeed wrong. I want to share with you some things I have observed personally in churches that are warning signs that you should GET OUT OF THERE!
*If the pastor uses guilt to get you to give or serve in some way- he is manipulating you- GET OUT!
*If the pastor uses your giving record against you, he has overstepped his bounds. What you give and when you give is between you and the Holy Spirit. GET OUT!
If the pastor humiliates people, or threatens that God will punish members to keep the congregation in line-GET OUT!
If the word of God is not the authority for faith and practice in the church, but rather what the pastor says- GET OUT!
If questions about the teachings of the church, or decisions of the church, or actions of the pastor can never be asked for any reason- GET OUT!
If the church exists to serve the pastor rather than the pastor serve the church as a servant leader, GET OUT!
If a pastor is not willing to admit when he is wrong, GET OUT!
If your pastor is trying to control every aspect of your life, he is manipulating you. He has taken the place of the Holy Spirit in your life. The Scripture says that the pastor is to maintain order in the assembly and to teach and disciple the believers, not be a control freak. GET OUT!
If your pastor has an explosive temper and cannot control his actions- GET OUT!
If the church service is centered on the pastor and his opinions and not the word of God’s clear teaching- GET OUT!
If the church service seems more like a three-ring circus with hawking and gimmicks than an assembly of believers where the Holy Spirit is obviously present- GET OUT!
If the teaching of the church is constantly putting you back under the Mosaic Law and not expounding the Law of Christ to you- GET OUT!
If the teaching of the church primarily emphasizes external standards and not internal holiness and repentance- GET OUT!
If you are in a church where you do not feel loved, appreciated, and are highly valued in the kingdom because of what Christ has done for you- GET OUT!
If you are in a church where you are not being fed spiritually, but feel that all the services are the same repetitious rules and regulations (tithing, dress standards, music, etc.) GET OUT!
Friends, it may seem like I have an axe to grind here. I really don’t. But I have seen how great a church can be when it gets back to simple scriptural principles and assemble together in unity in the Holy Spirit! And I have a feeling that there are people who will read this note that want that as well. I have heard people describe this as “there has to be something more to church than just rules.” There is- it is relationship with Jesus Christ! In order to move toward what is right, you have to move away from what is wrong.
Who am I to say anything about any of this anyway? I’m just a believer in Christ who is trying to live as closely to the Bible as I can. Interestingly enough, some people find that interacting with me is helpful and an inspiration. Because I have committed myself to God’s truth at any cost, some view me as a traitor or heretic because I refuse to give loyalty to men, preachers, pastors, churches, camps, associations when they move away from God’s word with their beliefs. What do I do when I hear of those that are spreading untrue things about me and my ministry or are teaching things that are untrue in their ministries? I avoid them! And I’m happier for it! And you will be too, I promise!
I want to give you an example of manipulation of a member in a church in its purest form. A friend of mine and his family began to feel that the LORD was leading them to leave the church where they were members and find another. While they were waiting for a clear direction from the LORD, the pastor of that church realized that they might leave the church and said from the pulpit that if members of that church left there, that God would kill their children. My friend and his family stayed because of fear of what was said from the pulpit, until something happened in the church with that pastor that was so bad that they knew that they could not stay there any longer. Some of you that are reading this may be shocked that any pastor anywhere would say something like that from the pulpit. Some of you reading this may feel that the pastor was completely justified in what he said and that this is just “good preaching”. Some of you may be reading this and realizing that these are the same kind of statements that your pastor makes from the pulpit. What a mess we are in when pastors use fear tactics, guilt, and manipulation to control the behavior of their members! (By the way my friend and his family have moved on and are very happy now in the church they attend.)
Friend, if you are in a church where some or all of the things I mention above (and those are only a few- I could list many more) are common place in the church- you may hear things said from the pulpit like my friend did- that you will lose your children if you leave that church. But I say to you earnestly and honestly- you will lose your children if you stay in that toxic cultic church environment- they will do what you tell them to do now, but when they grow up they will resent what they saw and heard going on in that church and they will fall by the wayside and out of church. For their sake, find a church that is Spirit filled so that those children can get a real glimpse of the Savior before their hearts are hardened.
The truth is that God has not failed the churches. But many of the churches have failed God by creating a man-centered (pastor) authority rather than Jesus Christ as the head of the body. Honestly, if Jesus was here in bodily form, do you think that He would praise us for what we have allowed churches to turn into? I don’t think He would. It is interesting in Revelation 2 through 4 that when Jesus addresses the churches the common instruction is “Repent”. Are we above repentance as a church? Do we really believe that we have nothing to answer for if our agenda is more important than Christ’s? God forgive us. We have created this mess ourselves, and it is time to say “NO- NEVER AGAIN”.
Friend if you see some of the things I mention above going on in your church, they should be warning signs that you should consider very carefully. If you are in a church where the pastor is the ultimate authority with unlimited power and answers to no one (not even God), do yourself a favor and GET OUT. God will lead you to a place where you can be loved and fed the word of God and be ministered to as well as minister to others. You must get out of the place that is hurting you spiritually and get to a place of spiritual healing. Christians have failed you but Christ has not! Run to Him!
Refuse to live in fear, and decide to live in the truth of the Scriptures.
There is always room for more travelers on the pathway of light in Christ Jesus! I hope to see you walking next to me!
If I can ever help anyone with anything, please let me know. I am a good listener!
Your humble servant,
Bro. Joseph Beall
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Some Thoughts on Abusive Churches, part 1


Hello again!

One of the chapters of my journey with the Lord Jesus was being part of mildly to dangerously abusive churches.  Many of the things that happened during that time were so subversive that I could not even discern that they were happening to me!  Now that I am away from these types of churches, I am much happier and spiritually much healthier than I have ever been.  I realize that the Lord allowed me to experience different types of church environments to teach me what a pastor should be and what he should not be, and what is man-centered and what is centered on the Lord.  How to teach the word of God honestly and truthfully, or how to use it to control your members.  I’ve seen a lot along the way that makes me concerned for people who are caught up in these type churches.

A while back I wrote some thoughts about this on a Facebook post after a friend told me about something that happened in his church that really opened his eyes.  I hope that what I wrote then may be a help to someone today.  I’m praying for hurting people that have been eaten alive in abusive churches!

One Man’s Search For Truth

I generally do not find myself to be much of a blogger, writer, or Facebooker for that matter.  However, from time to time I may post a song I find meaningful or a video or thought. You never know who might need a positive word or a smile along life’s journey.

Today I have a definite thought in mind about the search for truth in this life.  Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”  We know of course that there is no way of salvation apart from Jesus- the truth of the gospel has the saving power, and provides us with eternal life. Let me just say Amen and Amen right there!

But what about our daily lives while we wait for the rapture or the end of this life? I believe that this verse is very powerful for meaning in our lives, and gives us the direction we need for growing closer to God.  We know that Jesus is the way to God. The Bible tells us that we should have the mind of Christ- think like He does and act the way that He would act. Thank God for the Holy Spirit that empowers us to do this (but it is a long journey, isn’t it?)!

Learning to have the mind of Christ brings us to the truth.  And we know that truth (and how to use it) brings us closer in our relationship with God.  I want to mention some observations that I have made about Christians and truth.

1. Many Christians will never take time to study for themselves to understand why they believe what they believe or if things that they have heard or read on the internet, in sermons, etc. is true.  This is very dangerous because we are very easily deceived in the PhotoShop and Internet age.  Computers are terrific at spreading good factual information, and just as efficient in spreading lies, gossip, slander, etc. I believe that every Christian should be motivated to discover what the truth is about something so they know that they are standing on a firm foundation in what they believe.

2. Many preachers and pastors will never take time to study for themselves to understand why they believe what they believe or if things that they have heard or read on the internet, in sermons, etc. is true.   There is a tendency in some Baptist churches to pass on bad information or fail to teach their people on a subject so that a level of understanding is reached.  This leaves the people at the mercy of the books the pastor recommends or information that they pick up from him that can be wrong.  There is a great danger in our churches when the pastor has not done his job in checking out the facts of a source before giving it his endorsement, whether intentional or unintentional, because this is how bad information is passed on to our people, who will parrot what they hear from the pulpit.  We should be teaching our people the facts, not putting on emotional displays. Just because something is said loudly and the pulpit is pounded, does not mean it is true.

3. Although the church is to be the pillar and ground of the truth, some churches have created environments where it is hostile toward people who ask questions.  I have personally heard of churches where people are instructed to never ask questions about what is preached, or question the pastor about beliefs in the church. Isn’t the job of the pastor to make sure that the people are discipled properly? How can this be done properly if the pastor is unapproachable, unavailable, or uninterested in people learning the word of God and applying in their lives? I am afraid that some churches have become a place where people are being told what “truth” is, but no learning ever takes place so that people understand for themselves what the truth is based on the word of God.  To me personally as a pastor, I know that there is nothing more exciting than when the sermon is over and people are still talking about the Scriptures and asking questions. This kind of stimulus encourages growth. How can we expect there to be an excitement about God’s Word if we remove the possibility of discussing it?

4. We have developed a very inbred method of discovering truth in some of our churches.  Christians have to be very careful that they always maintain an openness to God and His Word. So many times in our church culture we are so Baptist that we develop a cock-eyed way of looking at things. Here is how we get to the truth most of the time. We establish what we want the truth to be. Then we check God’s Word for supporting verses (that may or may not be in context!) to prove that our position is Scriptural. Then we find other people who have used the same method at finding truth that we are using, only these people have created websites, written books, visited churches and did presentations and sold books, etc, and we fortify ourselves with information that supports our view and only our view written by people within our group. Another common ploy is to copy everything that a mega-church is doing. I have been guilty of this method myself, and have come to realize an important fact. This method does not involve being open to God to discover what truth is. We start with our mind made up and then expect Him to back us up. We open ourselves up to error when we do this.

A better method is to ask questions to get to what the truth is. If there is any subject that we want to know about, we should start by praying that the LORD will give us wisdom. (James 1:5 promises that God will give wisdom liberally for the asking). Secondly we should go to the Bible without preconceived notions of what we think is right, but rather be open to God. What does the Bible say on a matter? What does it not say? These are important things to consider because going farther than the Bible goes is wrong, and also weakening its message is wrong. Truth always has a balance to it and avoids extremism. We prefer extremism in our truth, and this is where we err. Getting to the truth also involves being able to look at different ideas or opinions about a matter. I would call this weighing the evidence.  I have learned that many of the things I have heard people say so emphatically about certain subjects did not bear out to be truth when I put it under scrutiny and studied it out for myself (Note to self: don’t be so gullible!). My point with all of this is that somewhere along the way we have forgotten how to be students of the Word of God and let it teach us what truth is, instead we have become very issue-oriented Christians who use it to advance our agendas.  I believe that openness allows God to help us relate to the truth more and understand it better, and apply it in our lives. I do not believe it is God’s will for us to be perceived as raving lunatics and cultists by the world because we cannot defend what we believe and merely shout and holler people down that disagree with us. When we have the truth (Jesus), we should be able to share what we believe honestly and rationally. We call it intelligent discussion. When we refuse to do this, we cannot have truth. Iron sharpens iron.

5. We have the lost the ability to admit that we are wrong about something.  What happens when a person discovers that something they have been taught or read or believed is wrong? I have seen how the same pressure that keeps people from asking questions keeps people from admitting that they are wrong or that they have changed their belief on something. It is very interesting how the power of intimidation and fear keeps our people captive many times. Rather than glorying in the grace of God, many feel trapped in a church system that never offers them true freedom. They can neither ask questions or express an opinion that differs from the status quo. How do we expect Christian growth to come from this? Anyone that is an independent thinker or seeker of truth would immediately be branded a trouble-maker, heretic, or apostate. Is this moving us closer to the truth? But what of the leadership in a church? Is a man able to admit when he is wrong? The same fear and intimidation exists among a pastor’s peers to keep him from moving away from established beliefs that churches share and consider the requirements to be in the “network of churches” or “camp”.  What would happen if a man of God in the pulpit admitted to his people that he had been wrong about something and wanted to be honest with his people about it and teach them what he believed is the truth? Although many preachers know this is the unwritten rule to admit fault or that you don’t know something, I believe it would show our people that we have integrity, we are teachable, and that we are growing closer to the Lord in truth.  Who would be so brave to do such a thing? I believe the Lord requires nothing less than honesty with his people as we shepherd them.  We are not to be Baptist popes, but rather lead by example. Whether pastor or church member, when we are wrong, we should be quick to admit it, and to embrace truth.

6. We have become lazy and unconcerned about the importance of the truth. There is a real danger that we have become reliant on other people to tell us what the truth is. Of course this makes us totally reliant on the source for our information.  I believe that we should be driven to know the truth for ourselves. I don’t see this drive in many people. They are busy and want to be entertained in their down time.  Truth will have to come later, if at all.

I have reached a point in my life where being a person of truth is the most important thing.  People rely on me as a pastor to teach them what truth is from the Word of God. It is an awesome, sometimes fearful, and very enjoyable calling. But I have learned that truth and not fellowship is the most important thing. I have learned that I must have the desire for truth and I have to work hard to find it. I have learned that finding the truth on a matter gives freedom.  But I have also learned that standing for truth has a price that must be paid.  Not every person will understand the importance of truth and will not be open to it. Some will show resistance to any opinion or facts other than their own. Sometimes this resistance comes from other Christians and sometimes even other pastors.  I have made a decision to take a stand for truth and pay whatever price may come along with that stand. I have made a decision to admit when I am wrong and embrace the truth.  I have made a decision to be guided by the truth and not guided by men who have not learned to honestly seek it yet.

Recently I went to visit my Mama and Daddy and spent some time talking with my Daddy who was a Baptist preacher for many years. During our talk, I was able to apologize to my Daddy for remarks that I made to him many years ago when I had come under the influence of some men in a church who tried to teach me their version of truth on an issue. What they taught me divided my relationship with my Daddy and I thought less of him when we discussed it and I found that we did not agree. Fast forward to many years later, and in my personal study of all sides of the issue, I found out that my Daddy was right and those men were well-intentioned, but wrong. I was also wrong, because I believed what I was told and perpetuated that view by feeding myself only things that supported that view. Unfortunately, it took me many years to realize that I never really sought truth on the issue, but rather only made my mind up about the truth and then fortified my position. I cannot express how freeing it was to talk with my Daddy and tell him that I was wrong and that I believed the same as He did about what the Bible clearly taught. Since that time, the Lord has given tremendous freedom in my life and tremendous liberty in my preaching.  I count that as being the fact that I embraced the truth.

I say all of that to say this- are we truly open to God for the truth? Can we put aside all the man-made rules and regulations and be open to His correction and instruction where it is needed in our lives? Can we approach Him with our mouths shut and our ears open?

I write all of this not only to let people know my thoughts on this matter, but also that someone might be edified or built up that is struggling and ready to walk away from God.  Don’t give up.  Keep walking toward the truth. Keep learning all you can about the Word of God. Admit when you mess up and learn from it, but keep moving forward.  For those of you that are seekers or truth and are on that journey, I am on the journey with you. Some may be ahead of us and some may be behind, but fellow believer in Jesus, we are on this journey TOGETHER.

Let’s keep searching for the truth. It is bigger than everything else that we know!

Amen and Amen!

Bro. Beall

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Mayberry Theology: Truth Trumps Traditions


Hello there.  Thanks for visiting with me again.  It’s nice to have you stop by.

Why not make yourself comfortable? Help yourself to a beverage and a snack.

Let’s watch a little TV, shall we?  Take an imaginary trip to days gone by….in Mayberry.

If you have Amazon Video, Netflix, or have the Andy Griffith Show on DVD, watch Season 6 Episode 29 “The Battle of Mayberry”.

Watch the episode, and then we’ll talk about it below.



That was pretty good, even for a non-Barney Fife episode.  I was watching this with my wife last Saturday morning and realized how profound a message is in this little 25 minute story.

Just to recap some of the main storyline events:

  • A prize is offered to the students for the winning essay about the “historic Battle of Mayberry”
  • We find out quickly that many of the citizens are very proud of their history, and each family has their own hero (apparently there were many Colonels in the battle!)
  • The Taylors, Floyd Lawson, Goober Pyle, and Clara Edwards all have a different version of the history of the battle and none believe the others account. In fact, Goober and Floyd part ways, and Aunt Bee and Clara almost do the same.
  • Clara Edwards even has a sword to back up her story.
  • Opie interviews Tom Strongbow, a descendant of Cherokee Indians, and he provides yet another version of the battle, which differs greatly from all the others put together. He also produces a bullet that he claims came from an ancestor at the battle.
  • Tom and Andy disagree on the events of the battle as emotions escalate.
  • Opie gets to go to the Library and finds an old newspaper that tells the truth about the battle as the writer had interviewed eyewitnesses who were there when it happened.  Only it didn’t happen. There was no battle- it was all made up!  There is a great divide between what people have held onto as truth and what actually happened (or didn’t, as the case may be)
  • Opie is prepared to write everything in his essay and submit it, but Andy tries to discourage him from going forward with it, since Andy knows the effect that it will have on the townspeople, who are already a volatile group about this subject.
  • Opie is undaunted and submits the truthful account in his essay.
  • Andy tries to soften the blow with the townspeople by talking about how things can be exaggerated over time, but they don’t listen to him,
  • Andy even tries to influence Helen to choose another essay than Opie’s to win the contest, but she will not hear of it.
  • The truth finally comes out when Opie’s essay wins, and at first the people are dismayed by the truth about the “Battle”.
  • Dismay turns to joy when the townspeople hear the governor praise Opie’s essay on the radio, particularly his attention to the details of the truth.
  • The people, who previously were so proud to be known as “fighters”, and now happy to be know as people who are “peaceful”.
  • MORAL of the story: Their traditions of what happened divided them, but when they knew the truth, it united them.

I know how easy it is for people to forget the truth and cling to tradition because I have seen it firsthand many times in my life.  It just seems to be human nature to do that.  One place that we should be particularly careful that we don’t allow that to happen is in our churches.

You see, Christians know that the truth of God revealed for mankind is the Scriptures and they want to be people of truth, so they develop an interpretation of the Scriptures (which may be right or wrong), and they want to protect the Scriptures, so in their zeal they will begin to add little teachings that they think will keep them from being unfaithful to the word or sinning against God. Over time many protective boundaries may be put up to keep someone from even getting close to the line of sinning.  What happens over time is that these additions to Scripture, these man-made boundaries, begin to replace in people’s minds what the Scripture actually says. And slowly they are moved further away from the truth of God’s word, by things that are passed on that they believe are right, but are really opposed to the truth.  It’s sad to say, but although their intentions were probably good, some Christians today have taken in bad teaching and perpetuated it to others, either through the pulpits or in our homes.  Even I have received incorrect theology in churches and spread it along myself.  Realizing that I did this has been a turning point for me in my personal walk with the Lord and in my ministry as I pastor others.

Elevating our traditions above the Scripture is no new phenomenon- Jesus confronted the Pharisees about their traditions being contrary to the Scriptures in Matthew 15:1-9.

Matthew 15:1-10  (NKJV)
​1 Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying, 2 “Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.” 3 He answered and said to them, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? 4 For God commanded, saying, “Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’ 5 But you say, “Whoever says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God”— 6 then he need not honor his father or mother.’ Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition. 7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: 8 ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. 9 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”

Amazingly in this passage, the Pharisees had taken a tradition that was not commanded in the Scriptures and imposed it as the standard of righteousness, and when Jesus did not enforce their tradition with his disciples, they found fault with him.  But Jesus finds fault with them for disregarding the Scriptures, and causing their tradition to negate the commands of God.

Jesus uses a very strong word to describe these people- “Hypocrites”.  I hope and pray that Jesus wouldn’t use that word in our churches today if He came bodily for a visit!  Our hope and prayer should be that everything we believe and do in our churches is based on the solid ground of Scripture- in context and weighed out in a balanced manner.  Opinion and tradition should be kept to a minimum, and should be identified as such when they are used, but never should they be considered on the same level as Scripture!






Like Opie, we are going to have to be willing to study, to seek, to find knowledge- considering history, context, culture, and Scripture together to get the whole picture.  We are going to have to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, which is His job.  We are going to have to get hungry for God’s truth and stick to it, removing anything that is not truth along the way. And we can expect challenges when standing for the truth, from within the Church and outside of it.  It’s so important for Christians to wonder and ask “why” we believe something, and to understand it!

Like Andy, for some the truth is a fearful thing- how will people react? Upsetting the status quo is always a delicate thing.  But the reality is that finding the truth is a freeing thing, not a fearful thing.  Jesus said “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. (John 8:32) We should desire this freedom completely!  But especially in churches, Christians do not want to discover that they have believed something improper or have been misguided from the pulpit, so for many, they believe that it is better not to rock the boat than to really gain knowledge on a matter. So they perpetuate what they believe to others.

Thank God that He stirs up His Holy Spirit in some believers to point out to the churches that they have moved away from the solid foundation of Scripture and have put more emphasis on traditions of men than the commands of God.

As you’re reading this, maybe you have experienced some of this in your journey, all the excess baggage of man-made traditions that get so heavy to carry that many suffocate under the load.  Maybe you are in a church where you have real questions and concerns about some of the doctrine that is taught, or things that you see happening there.  Maybe you left a church over issues like this and have found another one, or are looking for another one, or maybe you have given up on churches altogether.  I hope that you are able to find a group of believers with a pastor who are willing to ask “why” and will search the Scriptures to find the answers that God has given and live by them!

When I began to ask “why do we believe this” it opened a great door of opportunity to understand God’s word and a desire to study and learn it.  I can honestly say that I am freer now than I have ever been before after looking at the whole counsel of God’s word instead of just selected portions that can easily be taken out of context.  I hope that through this blog I can encourage those that are seeking truth by letting them know about some of the things I have encountered myself. I hope that what I do here will bless you along the way.

Maybe you’re just thinking- “you got all this from an Andy Griffith Show episode?”

Yes, I did.  I guess that’s why I am the “Pastor In Plaid”. I am cut from a different cloth!

Until next time, be blessed!

Bro. Beall

“Pastor In Plaid”

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WHAT IF….the Beatles sang a hymn?


Hello there.

I’m the kind of person who values humor of all sorts to ease the bumpy ride of life from time to time.  I have learned that there is a time to be serious, and then there’s a time to laugh- that’s Scriptural (Ecclesiastes).

I’ve even learned to laugh at myself along the way, and I’ve learned to laugh at some of the hang-ups we have as Christians that we have created ourselves.  It seems that we may have forgotten how to just enjoy ourselves with child-like joy and excitement.

This post is for you free spirits out there that are not afraid to think outside the box a little bit and have a little fun.

What if the Beatles sang a hymn and glorified Jesus back in the 1960’s?  It might sound something like this parody below.  See if you can listen to this and not smile! I can’t do it.

I hope you enjoy it!

Bro. Beall

“Pastor In Plaid”

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Mike Adkins “A Man Called Norman”


Today I am sharing a story with you that I heard many years ago on a James Dobson broadcast.  The story is told by Mike Adkins and is about his neighbor Norman, who is avoided, neglected, and forgotten by the people in his town because he is very different in appearance and mannerisms from everyone else.

This story is about how God convicted Mike Adkins about reaching out to Norman and what happened when he did.  In a way that only God can orchestrate, both men are ministered to, and both go through changes through the experience. It is a great story!

A lesson that we are sometimes slow to learn as Christians is that our love for others has to have “legs on it”, in other words, there must be a transition from “talk to walk”.  When we just trust God and do what He is telling us to do, amazing things can and do happen!

I hope that this is a blessing to you!

Bro. Beall

“Pastor In Plaid”

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Encouragement for Pastors of Small Churches


Being a pastor of a small church, I have learned firsthand about how difficult it can be sometimes to stay encouraged in your ministry and faithful to your calling when you feel that you are alone or failing.  Unless someone has experienced these things personally, it is hard to explain to them how challenging it can be sometimes.

Just a few common situations that pastors of small churches face are:

People that promise to come to church…but don’t.

People who try to take advantage of churches and get financial help.

Critics of your ministry from within the church, outside the church, and sometimes in other pulpits!

People or members who compare your ministry with a previous pastor’s ministry.

People and pastors who only want to know about numbers when they ask about your ministry, with the implication being that low numbers equal failure.

Members who are resistant to any change from “the way it has always been done”.

Pessimists, poor-mouthers, and whiners who refuse to grow up into mature Christians.

Members who “disappear” without a trace and no explanation.

When a whole family leaves and your church is devastated and hurt.

When you prepare for a service and no one shows up.

When you inherit a “mess that you didn’t make” from a previous ministry.

People that are secretly hoping that you fail, and are “waiting you out”.

Members that have lost their excitement and zeal and are going through the motions.

“Lone Rangers” who would rather be isolated than part of a church family.

Tremendous pressure from other pastors/churches to maintain the accepted “standards” or status quo (even if they are not scriptural but traditions of men), or be ostracized.

A temptation to listen to voices that say “quit and take another church for more money”.

Competition from larger churches with lots of programs (that you don’t have) that lure your members away.

And on….and on…and on.  I could list so many more, but I won’t.  You may think that I am bitter or disillusioned or even discouraged to write these things about the ministry, but I assure you that I am not.  I am happy in the calling that the Lord has placed on my life!  But I am also a realist, and I know that the enemy Satan will do his best to destroy anything that we are able to accomplish for God.  As the Scripture says “we are not ignorant of his devices”.

I realize that there may be a fellow pastor somewhere that may read this blog and be facing discouragement in your ministry.  I hope that you know that you are not alone, and I pray that you find encouragement in this post.  I recently found a video on YouTube by a (then) 95 year old Baptist pastor who gives encouragement to pastors of small churches.  It certainly helped me, and I hope that it helps you as well.

I hope that through all the challenges that come our way as pastors, that we can resolve to “stay in our post” and preach and teach the Scriptures faithfully, no matter what comes our way.

Be blessed in Christ,

Bro. Joseph Beall

“Pastor In Plaid”



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Please Pray for Wanda and Danny King from Deep South Homestead on YouTube

Hello all.

Just a quick post to ask you to be praying for Wanda and Danny King, members of the church that I pastor, but primarily known to most of you as Deep South Homestead on YouTube.

Sis. Wanda was taken to the hospital because of some chest pain and is having some tests run today to determine the cause.  Please pray for her health and healing.  Please also remember to pray for Bro. Danny as well, for strength and peace in this challenging time for them.

If you don’t know them, you can learn more about them from this video:


And this video that tells how the Lord brought them together:


Thanks all for your prayers for these very special people!  I know that they appreciate it!

Be blessed today! God loves you!

Bro. Beall


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I’m Living the “Dad Life”!

Hello there.

After spending the day putting together a foosball table for my son and beginning to put together a home gym for my wife and I to use, I realize that I am living the “Dad life”.  That means lawn care, a mini-van (for us it’s the “fishing van”), and lots of togetherness.  I am approaching 50 years old quickly, and any opportunity left in my life to be the “cool guy” is dwindling away.  But what I have learned is that it is much better to be HAPPY than to be cool or trendy.  God has blessed me to overflowing with a wife and son who love me, my family who love and encourage me, and my church family who are a blessing to me as we grow together.  That is happiness to me.  And to be truly happy in your life is pretty cool!

This music video was done by a church group who are spoofing the gangster rap style, but listen closely to the lyrics- they’re anything but hardcore!

Hope you Dads out there enjoy it, and SMILE!

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Sorry! We were too busy jamming out to hear the message in the music! OOPS!

Remember the 1980’s? Big hair, parachute pants, Ocean Pacific T-shirts, stone-washed jeans, boom boxes, and mullet haircuts. Of course you remember the 1980’s.

We were there, dude!

Do you remember this song?

I never paid much attention to the lyrics to this song in the 1980’s but recently heard it on the radio and couldn’t make out the lyrics that are repeated over and over.  What are they saying? Carry a laser? HUH? I gave up and looked it up online.  It turns out that it is:

Kyrie eleison.

I am a country boy, and that didn’t ring a bell with me so I looked it up.

SURPRISE! these are Greek words from the New Testament that mean “Lord (kyrie), have mercy (eleison).

Kyrie: (Strong’s G2962)

Strong’s Definitions [?](Strong’s Definitions Legend)
κύριος kýrios, koo’-ree-os; from κῦρος kŷros (supremacy); supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Master (as a respectful title):—God, Lord, master, Sir.
Eleison: (Strong’s G1653)
Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
  1. to have mercy on

  2. to help one afflicted or seeking aid

  3. to help the afflicted, to bring help to the wretched

  4. to experience mercy

Click for Synonyms
Strong’s Definitions [?](Strong’s Definitions Legend)
ἐλεέω eleéō, el-eh-eh’-o; from G1656; to compassionate (by word or deed, specially, by divine grace):—have compassion (pity on), have (obtain, receive, shew) mercy (on).

Here are a few verses in the New Testament where these Greek words are used in our English translations:

Mat 15:22

And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.”

Mat 20:30

And behold, two blind men sitting by the road, when they heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out, saying, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!”
Tools specific to Mat 20:31

Unchecked Copy Box Mat 20:31

Then the multitude warned them that they should be quiet; but they cried out all the more, saying, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!”

You get the idea. Kyrie eleison means “Lord, have mercy”.  Some denominations use the phrase in their worship liturgy.  I have to admit, as a Baptist, I never heard of it before.

This brings a whole new meaning to the Mr. Mister song that I didn’t realize was there.  I don’t know if anyone in that band are believers, but what they did lyrically was to communicate something that I think any believer can identify with, how much we need the Lord to have mercy on us each day and each night on this journey.  We can’t see what is around us or ahead of us. And we can’t stop to look back at what we have left behind to follow Him.  We need His mercy each day just to make it, and to keep moving on.

Growing older is funny sometimes. You have more time to stop and listen.  This song used to be a “jam“.  Now it’s more of a prayer to me.

Be blessed!

Bro. Beall

Pastor In Plaid

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The Duane Miller Story (An Unexpected Healing)


Years ago my Mama gave me a cassette to listen to about a man named Duane Miller, a Baptist preacher who lost his voice after an illness, and how his life changed because of this mysterious condition.  It is truly amazing.

I have heard this story many times, and it has aired many times on Christian radio, but if you have never heard it before, please take 25 minutes out of your day to listen to this audio clip, because I promise it will be a blessing to you.  This interview between Duane Miller and James Dobson is on the Family Talk website.

Be blessed!

Bro. Beall

“Pastor In Plaid”

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