

I am a “Music Person“, meaning I enjoy music of many different styles, both sacred and secular.  Perhaps polka music and death metal may be the exceptions, but generally I enjoy music played well on a variety of instruments, sometimes with vocals, sometimes not.  I enjoy poetic lyrics that can have multiple meanings as well as simple pop lyrics that are just fun.  I connect with music that is communicating something that I identify with- I think that music has that special ability to reach us in ways that other forms of communication can’t.  Of course, like many things in the world today, something innately neutral can be used with an evil intent or a good one.  Sometimes it is hard to tell what the intent is.

Since I am sharing information about myself with you, I want you to know that I believe that music in itself is neutral, and is a gift from God to be enjoyed when used properly. I particularly enjoy music performed by believers that causes me to rejoice, or cry out to God, or puts me in the mood for worship.  I realize that people can have different convictions or beliefs about music and its use by believers, and may not agree with my choices. I encourage you to stay true to your conviction if it is God-given, whatever it may be. It is not my intent to begin arguments here, but rather to share songs with you that I have found encouraging or meaningful.  Maybe a song will be helpful to you, maybe not.  Maybe you are a Music Person also, if so, I hope you understand my meaning and enjoy what I share with you.  I want to be a blessing to you!

Amen and Amen!

Pastor In Plaid