“Holy Week” Teaching Series (2020)

Hello friends!

The Holy Week teaching series focuses on the major events that took place during the week of Christ’s crucifixion, namely, the triumphal entry, the Passover meal, the trials of Jesus, His crucifixion, and ultimately, His resurrection.

The Holy Week teaching series was planned to coincide with the actual Holy Week activities as they occur on the calendar, but the Coronavirus pandemic changed everything. Our church did not meet for a month and it was difficult to get teachings out to everyone in a format they could use.

I was not able to teach on all the aspects of Holy Week for this series, but I hope to circle back and fill in the gaps some time in the future. Until then, I hope that you enjoy what I have.

I hope that these teachings are a blessing to you!

Bro. Beall

Holy Week: Palm Sunday (4-6-2020)
Holy Week: Passover Part 1 (4-19-2020)
Holy Week: Passover Part 2 (5-3-2020)
Holy Week: Resurrection (4-12-2020)
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